What a great day! I came across two really cool ways to make some more money online. They're both new to me - and both are F-R-E-E!
Many of us use Adsense to monetize our niche blogs. Adsense is easy enough to use, but there are two problems with it (from my perspective).
1 - Well, pardon my "french", but the payout pretty much sucks.
2 - When someone DOES click an adsense ad on your site, sure, you make a few cents, BUT you just lost your reader. Whatever action that viewer takes after clicking your adsense ad will not be of profit to you. But, hey - you did make 10 or 15 cents. Whoopie.
So I came across this little program for webmasters/bloggers called Auction Ads. Totally free to use (which makes me like it even more..haha!).
Auction Ads makes MORE money than Adsense, and can be used WITH adsense - that's a nice "plus" to this totally free revenue-generating program, isn't it?
Auction Ads work with the eBay affiliate program. I placed one of the ads on my right sidebar down towards the bottom. No, those type ads don't really "fit in" on this blog, but I like using this blog to show different ideas for making money with niche blogs. I guess it can make this blog look a bit "cluttered", but I think you come here for information - not to be dazzled, right? Right. Besides, I really want a new laptop, so those ads will help me keep an eye out for a great deal.
ANYWAY - for a product-specific or review type site, these ads are awesome. With Auction Ads you get to choose the keywords that decide which products will be shown on your site. there are different ad formats and colors to choose from and over-all, it is WAY easy to use.
The ads are linked to auctions on eBay.
How do you make money? Lets get that answer straight from the source:
When your site's visitors click on an Auction Ad listing and take an action on eBay you earn cash. Actions are defined as a Winning Bid, a Buy-it-Now or a confirmed user registration. AuctionAds is committed to paying out a minimum of 100% of eBay commission revenue. See eBay's affiliate program for details on the payout.
Ok, WHEN and HOW do you get paid?
We send out payments the first of every month via PayPal. The payment is for all revenue generated the previous month.
SO what I earn this month, in September, will be paid out October 1st - Nice!
Ok - so how ELSE can I make money with Auction Ads?
There is no need to sign up for our affiliate program because our affiliate program is built right into the ads you display! If a user clicks on the "Ads by AuctionAds" that is displayed and signs up for our service you earn a bonus 5% of all revenue generated by that user for the 6 months.
You will get paid the first of every month via Paypal. We feature a 30 day cookie on all referrals.
Wah???? A 30 days cookie?!?!? That means if someone clicks my ad today, but doesn't actually buy anything for 2 weeks...3 weeks... 30 DAYS, I STILL get credited? Now, THAT is awesome! Adsense ain't got no cookies! haha!
As you can tell, I'm a bit fired up about discovering Auction Ads. They fit in real niiiiiiice with my niche blogs ;)
Second Cool Discovery of the Day:

Now this is brand-spanking new - actually, it's not even "live" yet. It's a little program called DealDotCom that shows promise to make BIG money - or, at least a nice additional revenue stream from your online efforts.
Here's the deal with DealDotCom:
(note from me: I love the humor on this site)
How Do You Make Money (ie, Whats In It For me?)
We give you a special link to share with your friends. You strong-arm them into signing up for a free DealDotCom account, and anytime they ever buy anything from us, you get paid. Our affiliate program is 2-tiered, so not only will you get paid for purchases that your friend makes, but you’ll also get paid for purchases that THEIR friends make.
Ok, sounds good, but what's up with this "two-tiered affiliate" business?
When you refer others to DealDotCom and they get their free account, they are marked in our system as having been referred by you. Anything that they ever buy from us nets you a 35% commission. Notice the word "ever" in the previous sentence... as in FOREVER. It doesn't matter if they buy something tomorrow, next week, or fifty years from now - you're going to get paid. What's more, anyone that they refer to DealDotCom goes on your second tier. Anything people on your second tier buy nets you a 15% commission. Again, FOREVER.
Lifetime Cookies..awesome. Again, I feel the need to say, "Adsense ain't got no cookies!!"
Pretty sweet deal, huh?
So, they are only selling "make money online" related products (and they are also accepting new products to market for review - hint hint to my product owners out there). They will be selling ONE product per day and at a really low price (lower than the general public can get it) and will only offer a very limited quantity of each product. When people you refer buy - you make money. When the people you refer have people THEY have referred make a purchase, again, YOU MAKE MONEY.
Now, here's the sweet part - pay attention ;)
You see, DealDotCom hasn't even launched yet. The doors open on Tuesday, Sept 18th. You are only seeing this page because someone really, really cool (and well connected, and probably very good looking too) hit you with a link to this preview page. You should thank them.
Awww shucks.... I'm really, really cool AND good looking (and well connected, too!)
Take a peek at DealDotCom - you'll be glad you did.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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