Hey Moms - legitimate work at home opportunities to earn extra money
Yes, there really are legitimate work at home opportunities to earn extra money online. That's right... You can sit at home, at your computer, and earn some extra money for bills, help pay off debt, or for something cool you are saving for.
I do it.
As the beginning of a new school year approaches, I imagine moms all over are finding themselves in a similar position as myself.
Does this sound familiar?
We could use some extra money coming in to the household. The kids are going back to school so I have more 'free' time. I do not want to work outside the home because it is important to me that I raise my kids and that I am available to my family. But.... we sure could use some extra money....
If that statement sounds familiar to you - I can promise you this...you are NOT alone.
Been there, done that!
It was a statement similar to the above that brought me to my computer to really search and learn how to make my computer work for me.
It is SO possible to earn extra money online. I've gotten to where I am not simply making "extra" money, I am earning an income online.
I want to tell the world that anyone can do this, too!
If you follow my blog at all, you may be familiar with a whole series of posts I did on How to START Making Money Online - Step by Step. This is a great place to start and to get your new online business going. It's all information about 100% free, and totally legitimate, methods to start making extra money online.
Today, I want to add a new site to the mix. I considered just adding this site to a previous post about more gpt sites to promote, but this site has really knocked my socks off. I am VERY impressed. Therefor, it deserved its own post.
Introducing - Squishy Cash.
The very first thing I noticed after signing up was -
I already earned $3.00 - just for signing up!
The site itself is "clean", easy-to-use, and is very geared towards motivating its members.
The forum at Squishy Cash is responsive, active - and packed full of proof of payments from happy members.
Along with the $3 sign-up bonus, there is a 3 level referral program, a $1 bonus each time a referral of yours simply completes one offer, incentive "chips" you can earn to redeem for prizes, and a monthly calendar full of daily contest and extra earning opportunities.
Look at todays contest:
August 12th
Can you earn the most?
Every Squishy Cash member that has an offer approved today, August 12th, which pays out $5.00 or more, will get $2.00 added to their account balance! So, if you complete 3 offers that payout $5.00 or more and are approved, we will give you an extra $6.00 on top! You can do as many offers as there is time in the day! There is no limit to the amount of extra FREE cash you can make!
Now THAT is awesome!
For this upcoming week, they are running this contest:
7-day Completion Contest
August 12th-18th
Can you complete the most offers?
Paying 10 spots in cash and chips! 1st wins $60.00 total instantly via paypal, check, amazon or sephora gift card. All other places will be credited to the users account balance!
And for this month, they have THIS awesome contest:
August Earnings Bonus
August 1st-31st
Earn $250 in the month of August and automatically win $25!
Goodness - Looks at these site stats for Squishy Cash
Total Paid:
Total Pending:
1,108 Offers
Worth $6,814 & 2160 chips!
2,372 Members
Awesome, isn't it?
If you are looking for legitimate work at home opportunities to earn extra cash, use this invitation link and join me on Squishy Cash !!

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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