Gurus Do NOT Impress Me - but Jamie Lewis DOES
We online marketers spend a great deal of time in forums, don't we? I know I certainly do. I have learned so much from the wonderful people that participate within the threads of internet marketing forums. Simply by reading their insight and conversations about making money online and building a business was both educational and inspirational.
When it comes to Internet Marketing forums, I adore eWealth. It truly is a laid back place where fellow professionals hangout. Up until I started doing so much freelance work, I spent a lot of time in that forum. So many brilliant minds quietly pass along their knowledge in there without a single hint of the guru-mentality that seems to prevail in other arenas. I admire that in a major way.
While there, I "met" a fellow poster by the forum name of "Nebula". Nebula is the real deal when it comes to internet marketing and product creation. He is also one hell of an affiliate marketer, too. His laid back style and friendly way of offering advice was very impressive to me. When I read an interview eWealth conducted with him - I was blown away! This guy had gone from being a "computer-hater" to making MAJOR money online. You can read the interview with Nebula here if you are already an eWealth member. This interview is in a members only section, so if you aren't a member already, you can sign up here (it's free - takes 2 minutes tops) then go to "interview corner" and read "interview with Nebula". It will be easy to find - it stays on top ;)
This man impressed me to no end. And kids, impressing me is no easy feat! I respect and admire others knowledge - but not many impress me in the way Nebula (real name: Jamie Lewis) has. His drive, his desire...and his results..are the real deal.
I read every single word he ever typed in the forum. It was clear to me that Jamie knew the things I needed to know. His marketing skills are excellent, his products always over-deliver, and his ability to anticipate trends and niche markets is amazing. He is one of few internet marketers that I follow - and watch (no, not in a stalker way! lol). I completely respect a few online marketers that quietly go about kicking ass and taking names working their butts off day after day - and spend ZERO time blowing their own horn or jumping on the latest and greatest like the others that flood our inboxes repeatedly day after day.
Jamie is one of these marketers who is comfortable in his own skin - that doesn't need to be associated with THE "guru" names of this business - and doesn't need hype, whistles, and bells to make a sale.
Jamie Lewis knows exactly what he is doing with internet marketing - and that is exactly what he does - he DOES it...perfectly.
Tonight, I had one of those "I'll just go check in at eWealth, see whats going on...and go to bed". Famous last words.
It's now 2 am in Atlanta - and I have been jolted out of sleepy mode into pure excitement.
Jamie Lewis has released a new product. This wonderful creation is not a niche product like all of his in the past. This is a 220 page ebook FULL.... and I mean F-U-L-L of all his internet marketing techniques, secrets, tricks, insight, systems....the whole she-bang!
Can you believe that the table of contents alone is 10 pages?!?! I'm telling you, when Jamie delivers, he wayyyy OVER-delivers.
If you decide to look at his information page, I'll go ahead and answer these questions for you -
YES, that is him in the pictures.
YES, that really is HIS "stuff" in the pictures. And,
YES, those really are HIS accounts in the pictures.
This is not some random system that is written by some random marketer who is still in "fake it til you make it" mode.
Jamie Lewis HAS made it - quite some time ago. And now, FINALLY, he is willing to show others HOW he made it.
He says on his information page:
In the end, all we have is our time, so we need to make the best of it, and the most money out of it.
If you are serious about this internet marketing thing as I am then I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to read more about Jamie's product. Get your free sample of the ebook - read it. You'll start to see what I see about Jamie Lewis.
In the end, all we have is our time.
So very very true.
You can read about Jamie's product here.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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