Graphics Software - Cool Graphics and Text Generator
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create easy graphics
text generator
Web 2.0 Graphics - The Easy Way!
Have you looked at the price of Adobe Photoshop
1)Pay THAT price tag for PhotoShop, or
2)LEARN how to USE PhotoShop
...then what?
Well, yes, you could hire someone to make a banner for your site, or cool text for a sales page - that is always an option.
Here's another option...
Own your OWN Graphics generator!
Tonight I bought the coolest graphics and text generator. See that "" banner up top? Let me tell you....
I paid $6.97 for this graphics program and then created that in about 3 minutes (and that included uploading it, too).
And folks, I know NOTHING about graphics creation or PhotoShop or text generation....nada.
I was so tickled at how easy it is, that I uploaded that image up there and couldn't wait to put it on the blog. Does it "fit"...uhhhh...probably not - but by golly, *I* made it!
All it took was three easy steps -
Step One - Select Image Type
Step Two - Customize Your Image
Fully customize your image with diagonal lines, solid colors, gradients, outlies, reflections, shadows, gloss types and more.
Step Three - Build-N-Save Image
Click "build my creation" and Voila - your creation is ready. You can save, download, or even test it on our background!

Yep...just made that text image, too. Went thru the simple three steps for the text generator and then clicked "Add Image" here on Blogger.
Too Easy! Just imagine what I can do after I actually learn all the whistles and bells on this nifty program!
And all this...for $6.97. I love it....and it works so easily and so well for blogs - PERFECT for Niche Blogs!
This is quite an exciting find for me. Want to learn more about this cool graphics software/text generator?
Yes! I JUST made that graphic, too! This is so cool. Check out this easy web graphics and text generator. It has SO many more features and options than I can possibly list - plus I'd have to give up time playing with this graphics software! haha!
For less than $7, it really is a no-brainer.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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