Free Survey Site that Pays !
Ok, I admit it - I held back a GPT site (Get Paid To) from you. Yes, it looked great. Five referral levels (20%, 10%, 5%, 3%, 1%) and paying monthly by Paypal - all good, and I didn't tell you.
Here's the problem. This GPT site is new. I didn't see a forum or any user feed-back, so naturally I was hesitant to refer this survey site to others. So, I shot off an email to the owners. I received a response today and I like what I hear.
Hello Jennifer, sorry for the late response, we are clogged with daily
e mails right now. We had a database glitch/bug we have just fixed and are backed up on e mails.
Regarding your questions.
XSVCash was launched in JUNE 2007. We have gone through only 1 payout cycle. We pay once at the end of every month, for the previous months balance. Since we launched JUNE 21st, only a handful of members
reached MIN payout for the end of JULY payments in that 1 1/2 week time frame at the end of June.
Right now there is no XSVCash forum but we plan on adding that very
shorty so stay tuned, its in the works. And yes the 1st thread will
be a "Proof Of Payments" thread.
We assure you XSVCash is a legit GPT site and don't hesitate to recommend us to others. There is only $7 to earn to reach payout, it
can be earned in as little as completing 2-3 freebie offers. No offers require credit cards at all. So there is very little risk involved with our site. Most of our new members in august sign-ed up and reached MIN payout ($10) in under 15 min after joining.
We'd like to welcome you aboard jennifer and please let us know if you
have any more questions.
support team
So, there's the "scoop" on this new Gpt site, XSVCash. I like GPT sites that are new - it is much easier to promote a site that isn't already over-saturated in the market.
I am amazed the the high pay-outs on this site. Kiss those 25 cent surveys goodbye! Best thing is, they watch out for the users - none of those cell phone number submits - and NO credit card required offers, either! These offers pay dollars...not cents.
I'd love to hear feedback from anyone already using XSVCash.

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