In my previous post, I talked about my indecision and confusion as to where to take my internet marketing business next. I feel it's time to move towards being a "real business" as opposed to making some extra cash online.
First off, THANK YOU to all that sent me emails of advice and support. I knew I wasn't the only one who is, or has been, in my shoes.
Secondly, I wanted to share with y'all a wonderful F-R-E-E ebook I came across online that really helped me get my head around where I want my online business to go. The book is appropriately titled, "Building a Virtual Corporation" and it was quite good. There were some parts that I scanned over...things I already knew.... but there were also quite a few things I plain hadn't thought of.
Highly recommended for anyone who is at the same place in their online business as I am, or is looking towards the future of their business. It's a wonderful "virtual" business plan, a quick read even though it's 100+ pages, and it's a good baseline for figuring out your direction. It's a good online business "compass".
There are also quite a few other free ebooks from this source that you might be interested in.
A Big thanks to Rev at Haulin' Cash. I think I gave my email address for access to this section, but forgive me... I can't quite remember. You can get "Building a Virtual Corporation" and the other free gifts here. In case that doesn't work, go to the Haulin Cash link and look down the right side bar for the link for "free stuff".
Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
As many of you know, I came into this whole "make money online" thing in late February of this year. I had run across Agloco sometime around my birthday (Feb 13th) and it completely changed my entire perception of the internet.
Suddenly I became aware that every single thing on the internet was monetized. Odd statement, isn't it? But when you are a casual surfer, do you really notice those things? I didn't. I was aware of ads, yes, of course...but the extent of it all- the potential of it all- totally blew me away.
I just knew this was an opportunity for me. I'm no computer expert, didn't know HTML or CSS or php or FTP (uh, but I knew!), but I could feel that if I was ever going to offer myself the chance at something better - this was it.
Make Money HOW?
I knew one person that might be able to explain this whole thing to me. He said two words..... "Clickbank" and "Warrior Forum". He might as well have been talking in Romanian. Then he said one last thing - "Go to the Warrior Forum and READ"
By golly, I did! I read and read and read. I spent no less than 18 hours a day in front of my computer. Stress on the family life and personal life? You betcha! But in my mind, I was in "school" and I was learning something that would change my life.
I was right. Now, I'm far from a millionaire, but this is all really working. In the time it would take to conceive and birth a child, I have conceived and birthed my own online business.
Is it "time"?
My goal for Jan 1 is to have all this online business stuff OUT of my name and into a business entity. I guess I need to umbrella it all under one company (LLC) name?
This is where I need your help. I have been researching online trying to find others that have been where I am now. I need help with the business side of making money online. I want to know about setting up a business for someone who does what I do. Niche marketing, affiliate marketing, no inventory, some freelance work, etc.
I know I am not the only one. I read blogs of MANY folks who do what I do.
When was it "time"? How did you go about it?
If you don't want to post a comment, email me - potpiegirl(at)potpieworld(dot)com.
I'd love to hear from you and would so appreciate any advice or insight.
I imagine this is the time that someone like me would appreciate a mentor. Someone who has "been there, done that".
I think it's time for me to take the training wheels off =)

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Find Your Niche - Free Niche Finder Video
When learning how to start an online business, I'm sure you came across someone mentioning the phrase, "niche market". The all-illusive, all-important target-market for your business known as your niche.
Niche. Some pronounce it "neesh" and some pronounce it "nitch". Why? Heck if I know... I think it has to do with what side of the "pond" you live on and if you pronounce tomato as "toe-may-toe" or "toe-mah-toe". In my personal opinion, if "niche" was supposed to be pronounced as "nitch", then why didn't we just spell it n-i-t-c-h?
Please, Define a Niche...
Finding a niche market in any business is crucial to its success. I read somewhere a great conceptual definition of a niche market. A niche is a market within a market, if that makes sense.
Lets take for example, Cat Food. The cat food market is pretty well dominated, right? If you were interested in penetrating that market it would feel like running into a solid, brick wall. However, in your niche research, you found a little chip in the brick wall....a little hole that you could work with. Say you found an area for cat food for adult cats, or cat food for indoor cats, and that market was NOT saturated with products, yet DOES have a market that is pretty much under-served. Bingo - you found a niche market.
Think: Vitamins. Think: Vitamins for Women. Think: Vitamins for pregnant women, vitamins for older women, vitamins for vegetarian women...etc etc. The niche finding thought process starts there. Then you do your market research and keyword research to find a viable market you can be profitable in.
Seems easy enough, right? Sadly, if you are like most of us, that brain freeze locks in. When you can think about anything in the world, why suddenly does nothing come to mind?
I've always wondered what brainstorming processes successful internet marketers use to find those golden niches. The internet is an endless buffet of brain food to feed a brainstorming session for a new niche market to conquer - what are their secrets?
How to Find a Profitable Niche Market
I found a fantastic free video entitled "Find Your Niche" that is put out by an extremely successful internet marketer names Jermaine Griggs.
Jermaine Griggs, is different from these other internet marketing guru types. Mr Griggs started off online with a grand total of $70 at the age of 17. He turned an idea into millions - and changed his life.
Jermaine's niche is so unusual - so unique - and it turned into a goldmine for him. Ready for this niche he found? Learning Piano by Ear.
Can you stand it?? Who would ever think of that? and HOW did he think of that?
Jermaine shows this video of his sales from 2002-2007. You actually see him go from making $2000 to months of $112,000+... but I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he makes this much as an online piano teacher (and 80% of his products are focused around gospel music at that).
I'm really excited to be talking about Jermaine today. He has a phenomenal site launching tomorrow where for a grand total of $2.97, I can get inside his brain for a full month. No, I didn't misplace the decimal - that is two dollars and ninety-seven cents. I told ya, he's not like the other $297!
If you watch his video on his info page and see the story he tells of his up-bringing and the circumstances he rose above, you will most likely be just as amazed as I am at his accomplishments. Jermaine pretty much takes the phrase, "I can't" out of our vocabulary as you see how he DID.
If anything, I sincerely recommend everyone go at least watch his video story. It's just a few minutes of your time, it is put together in such an out-standing way....and it is so genuine and inspirational that, like me, you'll get back to busting butt this week to make YOUR millions!
Here's your links:
Find your Niche Video Instruction
Jermaine Griggs Personal Story
Jermaine Griggs Sales Proof Video Story
Have a great day!
P.S. I sure wouldn't be a good little internet marketer if I didn't tell you how YOU can promote Jermaine Griggs launch tomorrow. He has an EXCELLENT affiliate program. Click here for more info.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Website traffic - gotta have it... all there is to it. PPC, or pay-to-click, advertising always seems to be the "easy" answer. Need traffic? Pay for it!
I have refused to go that route. I don't want to pay for traffic, yet I know my online business is getting to the place where my niche markets are more refined and defined. My keyword lists are better...I've found "buying" niche why not throw some PPC advertising on these campaigns? Adwords can be learned. It's not rocket science, but it is also something you do NOT go into blindly.
Ok, so I can learn and I can pay for traffic to my already profitable niche sites and make even more money. Right? Right.
To PPC or Not To PPC ???
Perhaps you are in this same situation - trying to decide if you are ready, willing, and able to pay for traffic thru Google Adwords. If you research the topic of PPC like I have, you may have also found many generous souls willing to charge us $97 or so for all the deep, dark secrets.
Also, perhaps you are thinking what I am. If I use PPC, I am cutting into my profits. There WILL be a learning curve. I WILL need to focus a lot of attention on my new PPC campaigns or else it WILL be a very expensive learning curve!
Ok, NOT to PPC, that is my answer.
Sorry folks, I am still all about FREE WEB SITE TRAFFIC. There is nothing better than organic, targeted traffic to your web site. I also believe that consumers have gone "ad blind" and don't even see adwords ads anymore.
Free Web Site Traffic - the Solution
So, how do you get free traffic to your niche site or blog? This is where "Make Money Online - on a Budget" comes into play. This is a fabulous resource for many, many free traffic generating strategies - that work. Some of these strategies work very quickly, too.
Whether you are new to this make money online thing, or you've been doing this for some time, Make Money Online - on a Budget will give you great ideas, proven concepts, AND get traffic to your site or blog.
PotPieGirls Traffic Mindmap
No Traffic = No Sales = Bad
Random Traffic = 1 or 2 sales = Better
Paid Traffic = Lots of Traffic = Expensive
FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC = Lots of Sales = Pure Profit Revenue...and lots of it!
Gee, that PotPieGirl is a genius, isn't she? (yes, I am picking on myself. It's part of my
To PPC or Not to PPC - What is your answer?
If you are also toying with the idea to try PPC (Google Adwords) and think there is no other way to get high-volume traffic, stop for just a sec and check out these free traffic generating strategies. Even if you DO end up using PPC, you will need these strategies working for you, too.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Niche Marketing Questions and Answers
This may sound like a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway. If you could make one little niche site that would put $200 per month in your wallet, wouldn't you want to create as many of those little sites as you possibly could?
I know I sure would! And that is exactly what successful niche marketers do. They build EMPIRES of these niche sites.
So what is an empire? A niche site empire is a cluster of small but profitable mini sites that are continually updating and growing. New sites are always being added and the old sites are always being maintained, updated with new content, improved etc.
Niche Marketing - How Does it Work?
The principle of creating a niche site empire is not so much that every site you create will be highly-profitable, but by making them in large quantities, you will be testing which niches are the most profitable - and which niches are duds.
Test and tweak, test and tweak..... continue to do what IS working - and STOP doing what shows no potential.
You know the whole 80/20 principle right? That 20% of your actions will account for 80% of your results? This totally applies to niche marketing. 80% of your income will come from just 20% of the sites you make. While this isn't a bad thing, it does mean that 4 out of 5 sites you create won't be as profitable as you'd like them to be - BUT 1 of each 5 sites will be a grand-slam home run.
How Many Niche Sites Does it Take?
So that means in order to find that one killer niche site that earns 4 figures a month on its own you'd have to have the ability to create 5 niche sites. Are you with me? That means the chances are if you want 10 super high profit niche sites you'd need to pump out 40 or 50 sites to find those 10 golden nuggets. From experience I can say this - that is a LOT of niche sites....AND a LOT of work.
Now it may sound like these are pretty bad odds and a ton of work. It's also most likely true that the majority of people trying to make money from niche marketing aren't going to do what it really takes to find those 10 profitable niches.
But that's only because creating the kind of niche empire I'm talking about has in the past used to be so much work. Building sites, and then promoting them, and then constantly updating them, and then managing them can be an exhaustive nightmare if you're trying to do it all alone.
Don't give up quite yet. =)
What's cool is that the information and resources needed to really help someone create a niche empire is easy to get. There is a great resource to help you with all this and make your niche marketing life SO much easier.
You'll still need a "take action" attitude and a little bit of old fashioned elbow grease, but really....anyone can become a niche marketing wizard. Well, that is, IF they take action =)
Take a peek how here.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
So, fellow bloggers, just how far will you go to create traffic and exposure for your blog? Do you care if your viewers are human? or just that you have traffic to your blog...period. Your blog is already available to anyone with an internet connection, right? Where else could you possibly expose your blog for more traffic?
How about transmitting your blog into outer space?That's right, you can have your blog transmitted into outer space for free. Pretty cool concept, isn't it? For many, many years now, TV shows and news programs have been transmitted into outer space. Why? In the event that there is some sort of intelligent life beyond our solar system, we are offering them information about us and about our world.
Why not offer them your blog?
BlogInSpace is a somewhat quirky and fun way to promote your blog. Free to use - and you get some cool badges for your blog to display when your blog is transmitted. Blog in Space is also yet another very clever viral marketing campaign...that was/IS very successful. MarketingSherpa added Blog In Space to their 2006 Viral Marketing Hall of Fame. You can read a complete over-view of this marketing campaign here.
Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
I Want to be a Schmoozer
Schmoozing. Just the thought of someone "schmoozing" brings to mind the stereo-typical image of the slick used-car salesman or the smooth-talking, business card giving hot-shot. For some reason, the word has a negative implication, in my opinion. As I was reading thru the October issue of Entrepreneur Magazine (I love that magazine!), I came across an article that talked about the need to "Master the Art of Schmoozing" in order to set yourself up for success.
Now I consider myself a very genuine person. I am who I am...what you see is what you get...the whole thing. Seeing the title of that article made me cringe. In my opinion, "Schmoozing" is NOT a trait of a genuine person. I certainly didn't want to be thought of as a "schmoozer" in order to succeed in business! I don't want to be a schmoozer!
I read it anyway.
Ok, I DO want to be a schmoozer
Turned out, that brief article by Guy Kawasaki is very good. It also quickly showed me that being a good schmoozer in the context Mr Kawasaki uses, is a GOOD thing. Being the good little article marketer I am, I quickly checked Mr Kawasaki's bio box and was directed to his blog. I found the original blog post that this article came from.Mr Kawasaki offers nine simple tips to help all of us master the art schmoozing. In my opinion, these nine tips are more life tips that would do us all a world of good to follow. Having these nine traits, and using them in a genuine way, would not only improve your business success level, but your life success level, too.
Some tidbits from the article:
" Talking only about business is boring. Your passions make you interesting"
" Ask questions, then shut up"
" Give favors"
" Great schmoozers want to know what they can do for you, not what you can do for them"
In this business we are in, it is all too easy to get lost behind the computer screen. It is all too easy to forget that behind each email, behind each forum post, behind computer monitors all over the world are real people. It is also all too easy to forget that in order to succeed in the "cyber world" we still need to get out in the REAL world.
Guy Kawasaki, thank you for your article! I encourage all of you to take just a few minutes and read it..print it out....tape it near your computer monitor where you can see it everyday.
You can read the article in Entrepreneur Magazine here.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Making money online using all low-cost to NO-cost methods can cause you to get creative in your marketing efforts. It also forces you to come up with a system that is not only profitable, but duplicable so you can recreate the process over and over again. I have found that niche blogging is at the heart of my system and it has not only proven to be quite profitable, but it has become super easy for me to recreate time after time.
What is a Niche Blog?
A niche blog is a simple blog (that can be a free blog) that has content and monetizing actions based on one topic, or "niche". If the niche blog is about gardening, all the content will be geared towards the reader who is looking for gardening information - and you won't start posting about playstation games or BMWs. A niche blog stays on topic. It is an "authority" site on a given topic.Here is an example of a niche blog I'm working on: Puppy Training Tips. (Go ahead and look, the window should open in a new window.) As you can see, this blog is all about puppies, puppy training, new puppy care, etc, etc. This niche blog is also still a work in progress. Something VERY important is missing on this niche blog...Can you tell me what is missing?
Why Use a Niche Blog?
If you are making money online using all free and low-cost methods, you most likely do not have your own web site. However, internet marketing strategies require that you have a "landing page" that is NOT an affiliate site. Your niche blog is the heart of your affiliate marketing efforts. This is where your Squidoo pages will lead viewers, your article marketing bio boxes will point to, your forum marketing will point to, and all the other great and FREE methods of advertising will direct to. This is where your visitors...your buyers LAND. Got it?What Should be on Every Niche Blog?
Your niche blog is not only your "landing page", it also needs to be your "squeeze page". A squeeze page is where your build your list. There should be an opt-in box to join your free newsletter, get a free ebook or ecourse, or something of value to the reader in exchange for their name and email address. The list - you must build your list for every niche you work in. This way, when a viewer leaves your blog, you can still have contact with them - and build a relationship with them.FYI - if you guessed that my Puppy Training niche blog is missing an opt-in form, you are correct!
What is the Best System to Learn Niche Blogging?
In a previous post I mentioned Niche Blog Affiliate Profits. This is an excellent system that is over-loaded with info. The system itself has six modules that include:- Affiliate Programs for your Niche

- Niche Blog Automation
- Free Blog Traffic
- Choosing a Domain for your Niche
- Longtail Niche Keywords (excellent!)
- How to Find Hot Niches
From the site:
" Now you can start generating multiple affiliate commissions from ClickBank, Commission Junction, ClickBooth and more using this killer blog system!
No Pay Per Click Costs
No SEO Skills needed
No HTML Knowledge
No Customers To Deal With
Create... Profit... Duplicate! "
Create, Profit, DUPLICATE
Couldn't have said it better myself =)
Niche Blog Affiliate Profits is a steal for only $4.97 (Yes, I'm serious...less than $5). This system also comes with a TON of bonus products (one of which is Easy Blog Traffic which is terrific). If you are interested in owning Master Resale Rights (MMR) to this system, it will cost an additional $9.97 (total of $14.94).
Just a note: I had some readers tell me they went to order and the Paypal screen showed $14.94 when they were only wanting to buy for $4.97. Look carefully and you will see there are TWO payment button options on the info page - one for product only, one with rights - make sure you are clicking the right button for your choice when you purchase.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
A New Look for Squidoo Review
It's a brand new day at Squidoo Review! I've got a new look to my blog - like it? My old blog template was....well... it was booooor-ing! I like this template, its a bit more interesting to look at. Within a few hours, I'll have a dedicated domain name, too.
Introducing :
Now THAT'S a unique name, isn't it? Now, don't worry, if you go to my "old" address of you'll still end up at my blog =)As soon as all the elves in cyber space do whatever it is that needs to be done, this blog will be found at
It's quite exciting for me. I also figured after my last post where I totally "went off", that I ought to come back with something new, improved, exciting,...or at least different!
New Blogger Template
I'd like to thank for the use of this awesome template. Turns out, it wasn't near as hard as I feared it would be.If you happened to visit while I was "cleaning up the place", you probably saw what a mess I made while rearranging my blogs furniture. Sorry for any inconvenience - and you're welcome for the laughs. I'm sure it was amusing.
So, let's cut the ribbon on this place and get this party started! Help yourself to the open (cyber) bar. =)
Ever have One of those days?
Before I sign off - I'd like to say a few things about my previous post regarding Associated Content and Squidoo.
" I'm sorry.
Venting into the www is not quite cool. Only excuse I have is that I was having "one of those days". I love Squidoo and Associated Content. Both of these sites were at the root of me getting started making money online. As Grandma always said, "Never forget where you come from".
Both Squidoo and Associated Content pay me to have content on their site. it costs me nothing to use their site, either. So, in essence, it is free money.
The page view bonus program on AC is still in Beta...and the program hic-cupped. it happens.
As for Squidoo, since this payment we all just received was for earnings in August, it is safe to say that this is all a result of the "Squidoo Slap". Also, due to the same issue, Squidoo had to deactivate the use of iframes
I will continue to use Associated Content and Squidoo. As I said, it is free money...and the sites are both awesome. Also, I have to admit that the revenue I earn OFF my Squidoo lenses is still just as good (or better) - even if the extra income from Squidoo itself dropped.
:::end apology:::
Now then......someone get me a drink from that cyber-bar!

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Squidoo and AC - You Ruined My Day!
Please excuse this post, but... it's my blog and I can vent (and whine) if I want to.
So, I AM.
What is going on today? First, I wake up to find that Associated Content had eaten half of my page view bonus. My bonus pending that has been staring at me was just a few cents shy of $40. This morning, I find that only $20 was sent to be paid to me.
After hundreds of posts by other Associated Content Producers, AC finally says, "Oooops, our bad... we miscalculated your pending bonuses..sorry! We are still in beta after all...."
Let me tell you, there are a LOT of very unhappy content producers today at Associated Content. Myself included.
It's not about $20 - that won't kill me. It's about that little thing in business called integrity and communication.
And then we have Squidoo. Oh, how I have loved my time on Squidoo. I have told everyone I know, friends, their sisters, brothers, and mothers....even their cats to get on Squidoo.
In August, I made somewhere about $60-$62 bucks. Nice!
Then, we had the "Squidoo Slap"...and the September payment came out at about $30-$34. Fine, the site had issues, they got all straightened out... I do not run at the first sign of trouble.
So... today was payday on Squidoo. Now, I have more lenses than I had the past 2 payments, keep that in mind.
Guess how much my payment on Squidoo is for?
About 1/5 less (with MORE lenses) than just 2 months ago! What's up with that?
Pardon me while I go pitch me a good ol' fashioned, three-year-old like FIT!
Then, I will resume this blog in my normal, positive, and extremely upbeat manner.
maybe lol!
Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
You know the commercials - the ones where they ask, "What's in YOUR wallet?" - well, I'm about to sound like that right now.
What's in YOUR IM toolbox?
What tools do you use, day after day, in your internet marketing business? I certainly have some tools that after a LOT of trial and error have become things I wouldn't consider doing a day of business without.
I started off in this business using nothing but 100% free programs, methods, and platforms to make some money online.
Guess what happened? I DID make some money! I remember the way I felt when I made my very first commission online - a $7 ebook payment into my Paypal account.
I was amazed and my first thought was.... "Oh my God, this really works!"
I was off and running.
Slowly, more payments started coming in, and since I had no overhead I chose to reinvest my earnings into marketing tools that will make my business not only easier, but better.
I still completely advocate Squidoo, free blogs, and article marketing as a solid and cost-free method to make money online. Those 3 things combined make a sound vessel to sail your business with. However, there are now things I pay for that have enhanced my business model and made it sooooo much better (and yup - a lot easier on me, too.)
What's in YOUR tool box, PotPieGirl?Autoresponder
I have used the free auto-responders that are available such as They're fine. They work..and they're "fine". Yes, you are extremely limited with the free options, but for a $7 script or basic needs, they work just fine.I have since upgraded to aWeber.... I won't go back. Oh my goodness, they sky is the limit with aWeber. The free 30 day trial impressed me enough to sign up on a monthly basis, but the more I use it, the more impressed I am.
In this business, there is nothing more important than your list. Capturing your visitors info and having contact with them is at the heart of all this.Keyword Research
In the past, I about killed myself doing keyword research the free (and old-fashioned) way. I used free keyword tools such as this one from wordtracker and then would go hunt thru Google to see what my competition was and then make an educated guess from there. It worked fine. My friend, Luke, from SureFire Success System (an excellent system, by the way), has a free keyword tool that is one step better. Lukes tool also shows you how many searches a keyword receives and how many competing websites on Google. It works a bit better than fine. =)Then, one day I tried the free trial from WordTracker. Holy smokes - internet marketing life will NEVER be the same. WordTracker gives you such better flexibility and results than any free research tool I've ever used. I highly recommend at least taking the free trial and playing around with it. You will be in awe - and, if you are anything like me, you will find yourself in there messing around with words for hours. I have found some really golden nuggets while playing with WordTracker. I love it - and I will never do old-fashioned keyword research again.
Domain Names
Yup, you read that right... PotPieGirl is now buying her own domain names! Since I've gotten such really great finds during my keyword research, I can't help but make a real site for these hot little niches! Yes, I still make Squidoo pages and free blogs...and article marketing....but now all that work is to promote my actual web sites (that have an auto-responder opt-in box...gotta build those lists!).I am in love with NetFirms. I am all about free things, but you can't buy a domain name for free, can you? NetFirms offers domain names for $4.95! That is lower than I have found ANYWHERE.
Oh, wait! Speaking of domain names... I have found a cool little online tool (yes, it is free) that you can do while trying to think of domain names and to see what is available. This is yet another tool I can play with for hours.
Check out: BustAName.Hosting
So, since I've let the cat out of the bag that I'm buying domain names and making niche sites, I guess you're wondering where I am hosting my websites, right?
I'm not. Well, I don't pay to have them hosted, anyway.
I'll save that story for another day.
Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
My teenage daughter and I were driving down a road last night in our small town. It was drizzling lightly as we came to a railroad crossing. My daughter is one neat person. She makes me laugh, she makes me think - she and her brother are also trying to make me pre-maturely grey, too!
As we were crossing the railroad tracks in the light rain, my daughter turned to me and said,
"Mom, have you ever noticed a train in the rain?"
Until that moment, I had never even thought about trains in the rain - and oddly, I couldn't remember ever seeing one. Leave it to my awesome daughter to bring that to my attention.
This morning as we were driving to school, it again was raining. Guess what we saw?
Yup - a train in the rain. I never would have paid any attention to it except that someone tweaked my brain and brought it to my attention. For the rest of my life, I have no doubt that seeing a train in the rain will remind me of that simple, and wonderful exchange between my daughter and I.
Once upon a time not too many months ago, someone said to me,
"Have you ever heard of internet marketing?"
This question was followed by words like, "Clickbank" and "affiliate links" and "HTML" and "anchor text" and a whole list of things that I had never paid any attention to.
Trains in the rain.
Now, I know about those things. I went looking for those trains in the rain.
I've gotten comfortable believing that my business was a totally online business, until the day someone in the "real world" noticed what I was doing - and hired me. Nowadays, no matter where I go and the subject of "what do you do for a living" comes up and I am approached to do work for them, too, I realize that my business in NOT all online.
I am my business - online is one of the mediums I use to market myself, my services, and products.
Another "train in the rain" came roaring past me just 48 hours ago. A free little report called, "The Im Myth" was presented to me and I got all caught up in the opportunity to refer others to this report... and make a buck.
I couldn't wait to share with all of you this same opportunity. As I said before, how many times do you get an opportunity to get paid to help someone build their list - and at NO COST to the customer?
Anyway, I downloaded the report right at midnight as it was available and scanned through it to make sure it wasn't crap. (I don't like promoting crap). Then I busted my tail to get the word out to my readers and my wonderful friends/contacts on my list. I wanted everyone to have the same opportunity to make some good extra money by giving away a high-quality report.
Well, I was fast. My email went out before I received the promotional email from the author himself. Do I get a gold star for that? =)
After all my work was done, I went back and really read The Im Myth.
Folks - it's really good. Another "train in the rain" for me, thats for sure. Russell talks about your business and how your "online business" is really not only online. He opened my eyes, made me think - and made me laugh a little, too. you should see the picture of him with his junk mail collection. Yes, he collects junk mail.
Thing is, there are things within The Im Myth that I'm not ready for business-wise...but I'm getting there. Russell pointed out a few "trains in the rain" to me and I now have the vision to see where I want my business to go.
My business, not just my online efforts.
Thank you, Russell, for expanding my vision and allowing me to see inside a business that IS where I want to be someday. Oh, and thanks for the really great ideas, too. Amazing what people will give away for free, isn't it?
Regardless of what stage your internet marketing career is currently at, I recommend taking a read thru The Im Myth. Expand your vision, learn a few new tricks, and see the inside of success in this crazy "little" business.
Oh, and if you refer others to read this - Russell will pay you $1 for each person that signs up through your link. Oh, and wait...there's more.
Russell will also pay you 50 cents for each person your referrals send to read the report, too.
In the first 48 hours, Russell already owes $24,704 to us affiliates. Don't worry, he's good for it...haha!
You have from now until October 8th to share The Im Myth with others. Russell will pay you through Paypal on October 31st.
It's a win/win situation, folks... and another train in the rain.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Yes, you read the title right. I am about to send you to a report you can promote all over the internet and get paid $1 for each time someone simply signs up.
Like that? I know I sure do.
I love getting presents and this is a GIFT!
But, wait... there's more.
You get that $1 per each free report YOU give away AND 50 cents for each report that your referrals give away.
Now THAT'S sweeeeeet!
C'mon, how many marketers are gonna pay you to build their list?
So, let's do some really simple and really realistic math.
If Marketer Mark gives away 10 reports - thats an easy $10 in his paypal account, right?
And what if each of those 10 people give away only 5 of the free reports?
10 times 5 = 50 free reports
50 x 50 cents = $25.00
For simply giving away 10 free reports, Marketer Mark would end up with $35 in his paypal account.
For what?
This is the kind of internet marketing I like ! =)
Know what the best part is?
The report is really, really good, too.
So, refer others to a really, really good free report and make a buck each. Then, make another 50 cents off of the ones my referrals refer.
THEN.... Get a nice payment into my paypal account on Halloween! (payout is October 31st)
Can you say "Trick or Treat"!?!?!
The report is now officially released. It just went live at midnight.
You have from now, October 3rd until October 9th ONLY to take advantage of this free, fun, sweet, cool, neat-o, snazzy money-making opportunity!
Ready? Set????
Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
Get Free Products from DealDotCom
Cool news in my email tonight! DealDotCom is giving away their daily "deal of the day" to one lucky member. They'll be doing this EVERY day, too!
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(you must log in to claim your prize) there ARE two conditions....
You gotta sign up (no worries, it's free)
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In case you have been living in the boonies and don't know what DealDotCom is... read my previous post about this awesome system. (Hint : It's SUCH a money-maker!)
Get to Deal Dot Com - now! hurry! Why are you still here???

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online