A New Look for Squidoo Review
It's a brand new day at Squidoo Review! I've got a new look to my blog - like it? My old blog template was....well... it was booooor-ing! I like this template, its a bit more interesting to look at. Within a few hours, I'll have a dedicated domain name, too.
Introducing : PotPieGirl.com
Now THAT'S a unique name, isn't it? Now, don't worry, if you go to my "old" address of http://squidooreview.blogspot.com you'll still end up at my blog =)As soon as all the elves in cyber space do whatever it is that needs to be done, this blog will be found at www.PotPieGirl.com
It's quite exciting for me. I also figured after my last post where I totally "went off", that I ought to come back with something new, improved, exciting,...or at least different!
New Blogger Template
I'd like to thank JackBook.com for the use of this awesome template. Turns out, it wasn't near as hard as I feared it would be.If you happened to visit while I was "cleaning up the place", you probably saw what a mess I made while rearranging my blogs furniture. Sorry for any inconvenience - and you're welcome for the laughs. I'm sure it was amusing.
So, let's cut the ribbon on this place and get this party started! Help yourself to the open (cyber) bar. =)
Ever have One of those days?
Before I sign off - I'd like to say a few things about my previous post regarding Associated Content and Squidoo.
" I'm sorry.
Venting into the www is not quite cool. Only excuse I have is that I was having "one of those days". I love Squidoo and Associated Content. Both of these sites were at the root of me getting started making money online. As Grandma always said, "Never forget where you come from".
Both Squidoo and Associated Content pay me to have content on their site. it costs me nothing to use their site, either. So, in essence, it is free money.
The page view bonus program on AC is still in Beta...and the program hic-cupped. it happens.
As for Squidoo, since this payment we all just received was for earnings in August, it is safe to say that this is all a result of the "Squidoo Slap". Also, due to the same issue, Squidoo had to deactivate the use of iframes
I will continue to use Associated Content and Squidoo. As I said, it is free money...and the sites are both awesome. Also, I have to admit that the revenue I earn OFF my Squidoo lenses is still just as good (or better) - even if the extra income from Squidoo itself dropped.
:::end apology:::
Now then......someone get me a drink from that cyber-bar!

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
1 Response to A New Look for Squidoo Review
The new look is great. And you're right, it was extremely interesting conversion. As I was going from page to page reading through the archive each page would look a different from the last. :) However, I wanted to point out that the calendar image next the to the article titles doesn't have the post date showing up. Other than that it everything looks fine.
Something to say?