Making money online using all low-cost to NO-cost methods can cause you to get creative in your marketing efforts. It also forces you to come up with a system that is not only profitable, but duplicable so you can recreate the process over and over again. I have found that niche blogging is at the heart of my system and it has not only proven to be quite profitable, but it has become super easy for me to recreate time after time.
What is a Niche Blog?
A niche blog is a simple blog (that can be a free blog) that has content and monetizing actions based on one topic, or "niche". If the niche blog is about gardening, all the content will be geared towards the reader who is looking for gardening information - and you won't start posting about playstation games or BMWs. A niche blog stays on topic. It is an "authority" site on a given topic.Here is an example of a niche blog I'm working on: Puppy Training Tips. (Go ahead and look, the window should open in a new window.) As you can see, this blog is all about puppies, puppy training, new puppy care, etc, etc. This niche blog is also still a work in progress. Something VERY important is missing on this niche blog...Can you tell me what is missing?
Why Use a Niche Blog?
If you are making money online using all free and low-cost methods, you most likely do not have your own web site. However, internet marketing strategies require that you have a "landing page" that is NOT an affiliate site. Your niche blog is the heart of your affiliate marketing efforts. This is where your Squidoo pages will lead viewers, your article marketing bio boxes will point to, your forum marketing will point to, and all the other great and FREE methods of advertising will direct to. This is where your visitors...your buyers LAND. Got it?What Should be on Every Niche Blog?
Your niche blog is not only your "landing page", it also needs to be your "squeeze page". A squeeze page is where your build your list. There should be an opt-in box to join your free newsletter, get a free ebook or ecourse, or something of value to the reader in exchange for their name and email address. The list - you must build your list for every niche you work in. This way, when a viewer leaves your blog, you can still have contact with them - and build a relationship with them.FYI - if you guessed that my Puppy Training niche blog is missing an opt-in form, you are correct!
What is the Best System to Learn Niche Blogging?
In a previous post I mentioned Niche Blog Affiliate Profits. This is an excellent system that is over-loaded with info. The system itself has six modules that include:- Affiliate Programs for your Niche

- Niche Blog Automation
- Free Blog Traffic
- Choosing a Domain for your Niche
- Longtail Niche Keywords (excellent!)
- How to Find Hot Niches
From the site:
" Now you can start generating multiple affiliate commissions from ClickBank, Commission Junction, ClickBooth and more using this killer blog system!
No Pay Per Click Costs
No SEO Skills needed
No HTML Knowledge
No Customers To Deal With
Create... Profit... Duplicate! "
Create, Profit, DUPLICATE
Couldn't have said it better myself =)
Niche Blog Affiliate Profits is a steal for only $4.97 (Yes, I'm serious...less than $5). This system also comes with a TON of bonus products (one of which is Easy Blog Traffic which is terrific). If you are interested in owning Master Resale Rights (MMR) to this system, it will cost an additional $9.97 (total of $14.94).
Just a note: I had some readers tell me they went to order and the Paypal screen showed $14.94 when they were only wanting to buy for $4.97. Look carefully and you will see there are TWO payment button options on the info page - one for product only, one with rights - make sure you are clicking the right button for your choice when you purchase.

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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