I write a lot of content online. I write content for my own niche sites, my blogs, and for Squidoo... I write content for article marketing and for Associated Content. Beyond my own projects, I also work with another company and I write content for their niche sites, blogs and websites. I also do article marketing for their projects, too.
Bottom line is, I write a LOT of content...lots and LOTS of content.
No matter what part of internet marketing you are involved in, content writing is crucial to your business. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to have the resources to pay someone else to write all your content, but for most of us, this is simply not an option.
As I looked towards expanding my business, I knew I had to look for a way to speed up my content writing. I needed solid tools to make my content writing not only better, but I wanted the out-put to be faster....and I wanted tools that helped me make my writing more PROFITABLE.
I found my system. I am so happy with this new system. I researched and read...and finally put a system together with tools that really help my business. I am thrilled! My writing system has helped my content writing in all the areas I mentioned. Best of all, it has made finding profitable niches and writing content FOR those niches soooooooooo much easier.
Ok - 'nuff said. Here are is my step by step process for content writing. I have included the links to the tools I use. Some are free, some are not. As we all know, I am a BIG fan of free tools.... but I also know there comes a time to invest in your business.
I also knew that if I was to buy content for even a small, 20-page niche site, that I would be paying at least $5 an article. That ONE niche site would cost me $100. One hundred dollars of my hard-earned money for content I used ONE time. If I liked article spinners, maybe I could get more that a one-time use, but I don't like spun articles. Just my opinion.
Once I actually saw how much quality tools would SAVE me, I saw the price tags in a much different light. If you are also in the market for tools such as these, I encourage you to click thru to these sites, really read the info pages, watch the informational videos..... research reviews on these products (just as I have done), then make an informed and educated decision.
Ok - here we go.
Easy Content Writing System in Three Steps

Step 1 - Find a Niche / Identify Your Keywords
Sometimes I know exactly what I want/need to write about, sometimes I am looking for a new niche idea or article idea. Whatever the case is, I have found Niche Inspector to be an incredibly valuable tool. Much of the content I write goes on pages that are monetized with AdSense. If you want to make any money from your niche sites with AdSense, you had BETTER have some sort of clue as to what niches/keywords are profitable. Working your butt off on a site, blindly building 20 pages of content only to earn a penny per click is NO FUN..... It is also no smart business.
Niche Inspector is a desktop software program that is no short of awesome. If I know my keyword, I enter it into NI and it returns monthly search volume, search result count from Google, Yahoo, AND MSN... the KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) of each word and the number of ads each keyword has on PPC results. (Knowing how many advertisers are paying for ads in your niche is a VERY important detail). Not only that, Niche Inspector also tells you HOW MUCH the advertisers are paying for top placement for each individual keyword.
THAT is PRICELESS! So, if I am comparing two niches I would like to target, I go NI and enter the corresponding keywords. Answer this, if both niches seem equally profitable, BUT one niche has advertisers paying $4 for a top placement ad, and the other has PPC advertisers paying only 50 cents for a top placement....which niche would YOU work in?
Now, if I DON'T have a niche in mind, or I am trying to think of something, I simply go to Niche Inspector and click "brainstorm". NI will toss out 100 random broad keywords with all of above info with them. What an EASY way to identify profitable niches.
Step 2 - Further Keyword Research
I'm not one to trust any ONE source of information, so once I have niche or keyword ideas on hand, I head on over to SEOBook. If you go to the free keyword tool there, you will find a plethora of free keyword research information.
Enter your keyword into the keyword tool, choose your country that you'd like results from, then click "suggest". Within a few seconds, the keyword tool will return a wealth of information.
From this tool, you can get:
Monthly search volume of each word
# of Google returns
# of Yahoo returns
# of MSN returns
Info from Yahoo Suggest
Info from WordTracker
Info from Keyword Discovery
Info from Google Trends
Google traffic estimator info for each word
Google Suggest
Google Synonyms
AdWords Keyword tool info
Info from Quinura
All, right there, nice and neat...... and ready for you to further analyze your potential keyword or niche.
Fantastic tool.
3 - Write that content
Now, you have your list of keywords, or maybe even a single keyword you want your niche article, blog post, or any other content to focus on. You already know that this niche/keyword has definite potential to be profitable for you. (Yes, I say "potential" because in this business, NOTHING is certain).
Now it is time to write.
I don't know about y'all, but this can be the hardest part for me. A blank "piece of paper" and limited knowledge on the topic I need to write on..... how intimidating! Not only that, but the time it takes for me to research the topic and get knowledgeable enough to where I feel I CAN write on the subject is VERY time consuming.
It has been, without doubt, the most frustrating part of content writing for me. I cannot stand to write about something and pretend I know what I'm talking about - I KNOW it shows to those who are reading it and DO know about the topic. Also, "little" things such as certain jargon of a subject area, are hard to fake, aren't they?
I have found a desktop software program that has ended this misery for me and had made my time spent writing much more profitable (ie, less time spent doing it). I can crank out a high-quality and ORIGINAL article on ANY topic in 15 minutes now - whether I knew anything about the topic beforehand or not. Before, it would take me at least an hour to get ready to write about an unknown topic....now I can actually write 3-4 articles in that same hour.
The software program I decided to use is called Instant Article Wizard. This software was created by Jonathan Leger and after having interaction with him on other products of his, I knew that his service, his product, and his FOLLOW-UP would be outstanding.
As I said, Instant Article Wizard is a desktop software program that you install on your computer. After opening the software, you enter your keyword(s) and let the program run a minute or two. What the software does is scour the internet for all single sentences that have your keyword in them. Presto , all your research is right there in front of you.
Wait, that is not "all" it does. You can then write the outline for your article from the software program. This program breaks everything down into topics relating to your keyword(s) and you choose sentences you want to use in your article. When you are done, you export (copy/paste) your article to your notepad or word processor and edit it into your words.
Let me make this clear - this is not plagarism. This program is not designed for you to take all these individual sentences as you find them and post them to your site as is. First off, that is wrong. Secondly, there is no point using copied content on your sites. If you want duplicate content, purchase PLR articles or get content from article directories. This program is designed to cut down on the time it takes you to research and write your own ORIGINAL, high-quality content.
Instant Article Wizard is AWESOME! Not only that, it is so easy to use. I never read the users manual. I learned all I needed to know from the informational videos on the Instant Article Wizard info page. I installed it, and was using it for new content within minutes.
Yes, that easy! (even for ME! haha)
To test my system, I made a Squidoo lens today to see how long it would take me to put it all together with no idea of WHAT I was going to make the lens on.
Start to finish - 1 hour. That includes linking to my new lens from other lenses and pinging it, etc. The whole new lens process.
Know what took me the longest? Finding and setting up the images and affiliate links. Also, formatting the text on the lens, getting the images on page, and all the other "curb appeal" goodies. You can see the new lens here . If you are reading this today, 11/23, it is possible you wont be able to see it yet. Squidoo has to "index" it (check it) before it can go public and that usually happens over-night. That lens is brand new - just made it today while watching football with my hubby (while I was sitting in the recliner on my laptop....what a life!)
So - that is my new super-duper, awesome content writing system.
1. Niche Inspector
2. SEOBook
3. Instant Article Wizard

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
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