I am exhausted. What a week! I've been very busy with my niche sites and other projects that I could literally put my head on this keyboard and sleep like a baby. However, all this hard work is paying off. Just looking at my stats tends to give me a second wind...or fourth wind....fifth? =)
As we start a new month, I'd like to share a few cool things I've come across in my travels on the internet.
Wordtracker Keyword Research Tool
I cannot even begin to stress strongly enough just how important, and how profitable good keyword research is. Not just knowing HOW to do keyword research, but having the right tools to perform your research on. Wordtracker is the bestest ever. This small investment in your business will be returned to you ten, twenty, thirty... a hundred fold. Wordtracker is offering a great deal this month - it's worth taking advantage of their free trial to see what I'm talking about. Click here and use promo code us-annual-15 to take advantage of this deep discount. Offer ends November 30th.If you'd still like to use free keyword research tools, I came across the most complete list of free keyword tools to use for your research over at websigity.com. Check them out - it's great stuff!
Free Stuff and an Awesome Affiliate Marketing Blog
I am a big fan of Zac Johnson's Super Affiliate Blog. His blog is FULL of solid affiliate marketing advice and direction, and he somehow mixes in his fun side. A definite must read. Zac announced that he is giving away free "I Make Money Online" bumper stickers.... drop by his blog to get yours.Google Adsense on ABC News
Are you a "Gray Googler"? Check out this great news clip on ABC News about the Google Adsense program. Interesting stuff.... guess the "secret" is outta the bag now, huh? =)Squidoo for Christmas
Yes all you good boys and girls...the holidays are coming. We are now officially entering the holiday shopping season. Get you Squidoo lenses freshened up and ready for business! Don't let your sales opportunities slip by you. Spend an extra 5 minutes on your lenses to make sure all your links work, your images are appropriate and your holiday decorations are up.Speaking of Squidoo....
Captain Squid has a great Squidoo-related blog. Great tools and advice. Highly recommended.
Final thoughts from my exhausted state
And for a great laugh, read this blog that offers a copy of one womans eBay auction for Pokemon cards. Sound silly? If you have kids - this will make you laugh til you cry! Poor woman had to take all 6 of her young children to the grocery store and one of them slipped a box of pokemon cards into her cart. Funny, funny stuff. Read "Adventures in Grocery Shopping"Ok, to bed I go. Here's to a great November!

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
3 Responses to Exhausted and Rambling...But I Found Cool Stuff!
I couldn't manage to find any free keyword tools, thanks for the link to the list of free ones. They are very helpfull!
There are some GREAT free keyword research tools in that list. I've been busy "playing" with them all today. Bookmarked MANY.
Glad you like it.
Thanks for reading =)
I'm glad you are enjoying Captain Squid Pot Pie Girl! Thanks for the hat tip and make sure and stay tuned... I've got some pretty sneaky stuff up my sleeve.
The Captain
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