I've decided I really like doing posts full of good stuff topped off with a flaky crust....errrrr... title. I spend all day online and I come across so many cool things; why do I need to do a properly focused and keyworded blog post on each subject when I can just run thru my day here.
Once you get past the flaky title, you're bound to find someone...something yummy inside!
Welcome to the PotPie Post #1
Squidoo Stuff...
So, as we all "patiently" await this next Squidoo payday, I got to poking around on my lenses. Now, I'll admit, I've been a bit of a slacker on Squidoo lately. I have spent so much time on my niche sites and other projects that I haven't devoted the time my baby lenses need.
Anyway, I hopped on over to SquidUtils and took a look at my lenses since I know ol' Google did their big song-and-dance lately.
Holy Smokes! Baby got PR!
Two of my lenses are a PR5 , there are 10 lenses with a PR 4, a TON of of PR 3's, and a handful of PR 1's and 2's.
Amazing! Wanna see? Go to SquidUtils and log in a PotPieGirl (really, it's ok)...then click on "advanced dashboard" and you can see ALL my lenses and their PR, etc. Heck, if you want to click the little RSS looking icon after each lens, that will ping them. I would certainly appreciate that ;)
Speaking of "Pinging"...
Yup, my buddy CaptainSquid has some awesome tips and tricks for pinging your Squidoo lenses. That Captain is so smart =)
Speaking of Smart...
Some of you may have heard of a woman by the name of Amy Bass. Amy has a blog where she discloses her earnings and her process of making money online as she attempts to support her beautiful family and pay off debt. She is one smart cookie!
I love reading Amy's blog - especially since I found out just how much she makes from GPT sites... She is like a GPT Goddess! ANYWAY - Amy has put an affiliate link cloaker/redirect program on her website that is wonderful. It is a BIG help for those of those that just don't get that whole thing. Thanks, Amy!
Speaking of Affiliate Links...
I don't know how many of you checked out the list of free keyword tools I posted, but you really shoulda. Did you know that one of those free tools allows you to SEE the keywords that other affiliates are using to promote the same products you are? I was absolutely blown away. You seriously need to go play around with this free keyword tool. It is totally different than anything else. Absolutely amazing!
Speaking of Keywords....
Wow, all this work and research I've done on niche sites and niche blogging has really been paying off. I can already see a HUGE improvement in my Adsense earnings alone. I thought I would be stuck earning 4 cents a day from Adsense forever! Now I'm at a few DOLLARS a DAY. I'm on my way to BIG money from Adsense! Wanna know how I got it going? Check out how I drastically improved my Adsense earnings.
There really is a method to the madness of making money with Adsense. If you want a copy of a great ebook that is an awesome case-study of Adsense earnings stuff, scroll on down to the bottom of the blog...somewhere on the right, you'll see my FREE eBook gift to you. Nope, no email needed...no nuttin' honey =) Just download and enjoy.
Speaking of earnings...
Little Miss PotPieGirl is celebrating! I had my best earnings yet on Clickbank this past payperiod (ended 11-01). I was squealing like a girl! Wait, I AM a girl. Anyway...
Speaking of S-P-A-M...
Ok, no one was actually speaking of that, but I like to play the game of - "Whats in YOUR spam folder?"
Seriously, the junk mail that gets filtered in my email account is always good for a laugh each day. Just today, I was offered a way to grow my hair back, enlarge the size of my.... well, you know.... I also found out that some Nigerian Prince is sending ME a LARGE sum of money! I can't wait to tell my boss to take this job and shove it!
Wait, I AM my boss.
Life is Good =)

Brand New to Internet Marketing? Read my four-part blog series - How to START Making Money Online
1 Response to Still Rambling - We'll Call This PotPiePost #1
Great post. I feel honored. *blush*
Something to say?